
By Melina

Film noir Codes and conventions 

By Melina and Andi

Titling used in our opening

By Andi and Melina

Opening Credits Order

I researched opening sequences and I wanted to make sure that the names (crew and cast) were in the right order.

By melina
Information from Wikipedia 

The following questionnaire is Written and Made by Sahar 
The reason we decided to have a questionnaire is for us to have a better way of receiving feedback during the editing process of our opening sequence. I tried to keep the important questions as open ended as I could because as a group we were at a point that could really do with peoples feedback, as we spent so much time filming, we wanted to know that if the shots we have are enough to make the narrative clear so we were able to make it less stressful for ourselves and cut down on the scenes that did not need  or would not have made a difference to the narrative.

Audience Research

By Melina and Andi-Mae

Make-up Prep-  Madame Amelia

By Andi-Mae

Costume Mood Board for Amelia

By Andi-Mae

I decided to create a Tumblr for an easy accessible way of exploring and researching the world of our film...

Filmed by Andi-Mae 

we did a reactions video to see if the blood we made looked real and what kind of reactions people would have to it.

by melina

As Melina has already mentioned, this video was made to see other peoples reactions to our fake blood. After doing some research into purchasing fake blood, I found that even the most expensive of fake bloods leave a stain, and to remove the stain, other products would be needed; as we are students we could not afford to spend too much money, although we did anyway because we did many takes of making fake blood, and First time Melina purchased most of the items needed and the final time, for the actual opening sequence, I did.
It turned out better than we expected!

By Sahar 

Test carried out by Sahar, Andi-Mae and Melina

After watching the video we used the ingredients he was using and made our fake blood. When it came to our filming we didn't any as it wasn't needed to create the scary we wanted but also it became a hassle to find a way of filming it without making it look unprofessional.

by melina

Filmed by Sahar 

We wanted to make convincing blood (like you see in the movies) we wanted to make our film gruesome/scary through the blood. So we used this tutorial as a guide to making blood.

by Melina

The reason why we decided to film this lighting tutorial is because when necessary  we would have needed to go onto it to help us when setting up our expensive lighting which was provided by our teacher- for our shots in the opening sequence. Also we had to bear in mind that our opening sequence was film noir, therefore lighting was a key aspect of helping to create the right atmosphere.
Filmed By Sahar

By Melina & Sahar

Foley sound 


By Bintu & Melina

We created a sound clip using Foley sounds.
We used images to help stimulate and focus the audience attention to the sound,
I feel like it made the experience more dramatic and used the other senses to
understand the story behind the clip.
We used different effects such as panning the sound from the back to the front
to make it sound like the voice is getting closer. We used fades in and out to make the
sound more sharp because we wanted to scary the audience.
We used other sound effects such as thunder/rain to show more atmosphere and
for the audience to know where we are that there's been a change in location. we used a moaning sound from a intro of a song which makes the sound clip feel more scary but also makes you
feel uncomfortable.
We used a M&M to make the sound of the biting into flesh because it is a crisp sound
and its very quick. we used the sound of pineapple being chewed to show sucking of blood.
I would improve this sound clip by making the chewing part longer as it doesn't have much
of an impact when it is short.

By Melina


 Made By Andi & Sahar

Evaluation of Foley sound testing/experimentation

Imagine, you are in a room on your own, you close your eyes and you put in your headphones...
We wanted to create a sound that resulted in it not being possible for someone to go the whole 29 seconds without opening their eyes and checking if there is indeed someone coming for them.  We wanted it to be realistic enough that the emotion the girl feels in the sound clip, you also find yourself feeling.  Even though i think our clip was very much a rough cut of a potential final one, (with it not being very smoothly cut/edited at points) listening back i think it got across the atmosphere we wanted more than i originally thought it did.  We used clear conventions of horror movies including footsteps, creaking of floorboards/doors, heavy breathing and screaming. We also created our own Foley sounds: 
We used Melina creating the fearful and tense atmosphere through her pleading, helpless voice.
We used M&M's to create the crunching sound for a vampire biting into the skin.
We used a pineapple being chewed for the sound of the vampire chewing on the flesh and slapping their lips against the blood.
I think what worked with our clip was the ordering of the sounds.  It was very simple but layered up to build up the tension that is needed for an eventual climax.  One thing we could have improved on was the fact that we incorporated more sound effects from final cut pro than we intended to.  However this helped emphasize the impact massively.  We realised we needed some sort of atmospheric soundtrack to fall in sync with her voice to signify that there was something big about to happen. We also used breathing and footsteps from final cut but the door shutting was created ourselves.  In future trials of this soundclip, i would potentially get a clip of a longer scream or have a longer chewing of the pineapple, as this would create a more gory and brutal image in people's minds.  The one thing we struggled with was the timing regarding the scream and the vampire biting her.  We experimented with this a lot and consumed a chunk of our given time trying to figure out the best way to go about it.  In the end i think it actually works well and the timing is fairly close to being spot on. The scream occurs on it's own for a very short period of time before the vampire bites her, which i think is realistic.
Overall, This is most definitely not perfect, however was a very positive process in experimenting with how films make the audience feel the emotions they do.  It has taught me to observe films in a different light and open my mind to every minor sound you hear on television and film. One last thing i would have added is maybe some pictures or moving images to give the audience a little more stimulus to work from, rather than just a stereotypical, quite naff image of the vampire genre.

Written by Andi-Mae

Iconography In 3 Vampire Films from Melina N on Vimeo.

By Melina

Vampire opening sequences

By Andi and Melina


Neil Jordan
Byzantium was made in 2012. it is a fantasy Thriller film. the story is about a mother and a daughter whose past threaten to catch up with them at a run down hotel. Byzantium defies the codes and conventions as it does not follow the stereotypical ideas of vampires. 
The vampire can be seen in mirrors, they don’t have fags but they used their fang shaped nail to pierce the skin to drink the blood, they can walk in sunlight and so on.
This film links to our film as we are also defying the codes and conventions of the typical vampire.
we are trying to steer away from making them look like monster but more like Disfunctional humans who have suffered and have problems

Tony Scott
The Hunger was made in 1983. it is a british romantic horror film.The story is about a love triangle between a doctor who specialises in sleep and ageing research and a vampire couple.The Hunger did not receive a positive response from critic but later on it was scene a cult favorite.
Tony Scott said his work represents the rockstar he never was.
The hunger defies codes and conventions e.g. The vampire do not sink their fangs into the skin

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