
Question 1

 By Melina

Question 2

By Sahar

Question 3

 By Melina, Andi and Sahar

Question 4

By Andi-Mae

Question 5

By Melina and Andi

Question 6 

Input by MelinaAndi and Sahar

Further notes by Andi-Mae

I'm very glad that I can now say I have more knowledge and skill in editing a simple picture.  It is a good way of expressing your creative side/ideas and I will most definitely be excited to use it in the future.  I have realised through my experience in using Photoshop, that if you sit and avoid it, and approach it with no confidence, you will no doubt fail in getting to know the software.  However, if you take it on with a forceful attitude and a mind set that you will have a worth while end product, you will succeed.  I feel like I most definitely achieved a worth while product, no matter how minor this product contributes to the finished one.

I decided to make a Facebook page for our product as i thought this would be the best way to stay engaged with our audience.  As i already have my personal Facebook I was very comfortable using it, however posting from a group page was very new to me.  From the blogger research I had done I noted that no blog I had seen had used Facebook as a way of marketing their product and attracting their audience.  I wanted to have a different approach.  Being a social networking site, it was a very easy piece of technology to use as apart of AS Media, however it was very effective.  It was not only a way of communicating with our audience, it also helped us as a team to stay engaged with our product.  It was a way of taking us away from the fact t is a school project and drew our minds towards it being a real product.  It was able to keep us excited and motivated to build upon it even more.  We also used it for the casting stage and messaging cast and crew when needed.

I used the blogging site Tumblr to research and develop costume ideas and generally building on a character profile for Amelia.  As i have my own tumblr it was easy and fun for me to search a variety of blogs looking for appropriate costume, make-up and anything that i saw that triggered an idea when it came to the characterisation of Amelia.  This was something very helpful as we were able to visually explore our film through the unknown, and develop our ideas creatively rather than written down.

A very practical side of my learning came from lighting.  It was noted that it was going to be a very important aspect of our film, as it is film noir and no colour is seen.  The way we were going to emphasise particular images and the atmosphere where we wanted would be through the detail to lighting.  None of my group had experience of using or setting up lighting equipment and this was very scary for me.  The knowledge that we were dealing with such delicate and expensive equipment made me too anxious to even want to approach experimenting with it.  We used our initiative and approached the most experienced person we knew, Sir. We took the time to watch and film him do a video tutorial explaining every detail we needed to know.  This was a massive asset to us at the start of filming, as we needed to refer back to it to ensure we were using it correctly so that we wouldn't damage anything. After this project, I would be much quicker in the process of setting up lighting equipment.  I begun very cautious and we found it took vital time to get started, however I feel that now I am more comfortable in knowing the stages to setting up each individual light.  One thing that also struck me was the amount of different lighting you could possibly use.  This excited me and this was the very reason I was one of the people in charge of lighting.  I wanted to see the result of each specific light on film. 

Question 7  - Melina 

Question 7- Andi-Mae Dicker

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