Preliminary Task

By Melina

By Sahar

My Preliminary Task Evaluation
  • Our script consisted mostly most of dialogue and not much activity, therefore we had so much potential to explore the 180 degree rule.  I think our overall attempt was fairly average.  It is evident that we have used the 180 degree rule and match on action,  being at the beginning when i walk through the doors.  However other aspects of the process let us down.  I think the overall experience of this exercise was not very successful, as we were unable to make our clip interesting through the use of camera and the atmosphere was fairly dull and monotone. This also was effected by the lack of motivation and initial understanding of the project.  
I have picked up many careless and easy mistakes that were made, and things that I want to note for future improvement.
  • Firstly, we did not use sound proficiently.  Jade and Nachelle, the two girls filming, are heard speaking during the first second or two of the clip and this is something we did not pick up until after the editing time frame.  Overall the sound is fairly unclear and inconsistent.  We could have worked around this by adding some background music to steer away from this, or the acting could have been projected louder to reach the camera.
  • The most noticeable era people have noticed when watching, is that there is the same shot used twice within a close period of time.  This is very noticeable and results in our clip looking more naff than anticipated.  This was a result of very rushed and unclean editing, as it has no significance to the clip and is in slow motion so attracts the watcher's eye.
  • Our whole clip is fairly messy in terms of how we have presented it. The camera is fairly unsteady at points, which distracts you from the content of the clip and makes it seem very much like an unfinished product.  
  • Continuity is a big issue and we made very silly mistakes.  For example, there is a difference in chairs from when I am being filmed walking to the chair and when I am seated.  The cut between the two shots was quite well thought through, however it is ruined by the obvious change in props/setting.
  • Another more minor issue is the difference in colour pallet between the two main shot types.  When I am talking to Louise and the camera is in a medium close up, the colour is a fairly yellow tone.  This compared to when the camera is in a long shot position, it is a softer and lighter tone which creates an off-balanced feeling.
What I have learnt and what I would change?
In terms of shooting, I will ensure that we shoot enough footage to have wider options when editing.  I was in a group that began fairly negative and careless and I found that we rushed the shooting stage rather than use it wisely.  I will know to shoot a particular shot from various angles rather than just the one,  so that we have the option to change our minds if we feel another would fit better. 
In terms of match of action and the 180 degree rule,  I realise how much of an impact  practically experimenting with these had on my learning.  Even though we did not fulfil this task to the best of our ability, I can now say if someone has a conversation discussing these rules, I will be very much engaged.  Also, I will be more assertive in giving my opinion and having my own input in a potential filming group and the process that comes with it.

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