



Locations, Maps and Details

Schedule for Madame Amelia

By Andi-Mae Dicker

Floor plans for camera shots - Hotel/Bedroom scene

I made floor plans to make sure we could save some time trying to figuring out where to film from.
it was also a guide of how we wanted the film to pan out.

by melina

Actors Agreement Form-Andi Mae Dicker

Location Release Form- Sahar Halimi

Media Make Up Cost List

posted by Sahar Halimi

Official Budget List

Posted by Andi-Mae 

Final Costume Ideas for Amelia

By Andi-Mae

Auditions for the character Amelia Aka Amy Jenkins

Alex Ionescu- Initial Impressions
A friend of ours that was up for the challenge, but had no experience with acting or auditioning.  A very good effort and we could feel the emotion coming through, however an environmental factor held her back, being her accent.  The pronunciation and articulation of her words were not as good as they could be for obvious reasons. This unfortunately stopped her from getting through to us (as her audience) in the best possible way she could.  She was very reliant on her papers and lacked in fluency at times but overall we saw potential in her as an actor.  As time went on her confidence grew however she was naturally quite awkward on camera.  It is a real shame that her accent shy's away from the emotional effect this scene should have, however we were very pleased with her participation and her efforts.  She stated that this was a learning curve and interesting experience alone.  She was not overly desperate for the role as she purely wanted to build herself as an individual and try something new.  

Audition notes written by Andi-Mae 

Charlotte Regan- Initial Impressions
Someone with years of experience in the world of drama.  She has been apart of Drama workshops and the school's productions and Musicals.  She has also had plenty of experience with performing for exams and being in the spotlight.  We liked the fact that she jumped straight into her role with no hesitation and wasted no time showing us her interpretation of the text.  She has an interesting use of facial expression and gestures and overall performs with great energy and strong emotion.  We filmed two takes as she was our first auditionee and we wanted to experiment with how people improve the second time around.  We found that this was successful.  Infact, Melina used the word 'beautiful' to describe the second take on her evaluation sheet for Charlotte.  We did find however, even though she was potentially one of our best candidates, that her acting style was not particularly what we were looking for in terms of our film.  She takes a very demonstrative approach as an actor, which is ideal for theatre, however for our film we struggled to visualize Charlotte playing the main role.  For our film, a more naturalistic approach is what we wanted. Also, taking into consideration the image we had in mind for Amelia, her rough/damaged background and dark and raw edge about her, Charlotte didn't fit into the category as much as we would want her to.  She is fair and blonde and very colourful in make-up and clothing.  A definite back-up, however at this present time we are open to other options.

Audition notes written by Andi-Mae

Georgia Griffiths (CANDIDATE 1) - Initial Impressions
She has a good sense of fluency and control vocally. Impressive use of facial expression and at points was definitely one of the best in reflecting her vocal expression.  She approached the script with a soft, broken attitude, which is evident in some of her reactions and subtle looks that she gives when responding.  She is visually different and we can picture her in our film with ease.  Her face and eyes during the audition give off a sense of wisdom and natural sadness, which is perfect when thinking of our characters background and disturbed life.  She will be able to make it known that Amelia is feeling a certain way, even though she hasn't vocally, or even visually made it clear.  Georgia is one of the most experienced in acting.  She has taken part in almost every school event and has done drama academically from year 7 to her second year of A Level.  This will be a bonus because she will adapt very easily to what we are asking of her.  We noted that she could have raised her voice and varied it a little more instinctively, as she appeared to sound fairly the same throughout.  Overall we can easily visualise her as our main character.  We feel she has a lot of room for visual excitement and as a way of attracting our audience.  We need to note however, that even though she is a strong candidate, we suspect she is not the most committed.  She was not as excited to be apart of the project as we would have hoped.  We need to think logicaly and carefully as to whether we take her on board.

Audition notes written by Andi-Mae

Nausicaa Eastman (CANDIDATE 2) - Initial Impressions
From seeing Nausicaa on a daily basis at school, the main thing we stated about her was that she was visually the most interesting.  She had been  in our minds prior to the casting stages of the production and we knew she was someone we wanted to work with on camera.  She has a very intriguing edge to her that we thought would be successful on film and I had no problem imagining her in my costume choices.  Acting wise it is evident that she is out of practice, however we note the obvious potential.  I worked with her for 2 years during GCSE drama and I have seen her at her most confident and know that she is truly capable of dramatically performing.  She was not necessarily our best audition, however she had an overall ora to her that we found we wanted to get across in our film. We note film making is a completely different world to being on stage, therefore we are most definitely debating taking a risk on her.  Nausicaa did not adapt very well to the audition script, as she found it cheesy and hard to express through improvising.  However, this was not an issue because it was a peice of material purely to see people's strengths of the character, not necessarily to use in our final opening.  She has a very unusual tone to her voice that could potentially sound amazing or off-scale for our film. yet we wanted to adapt and explore with this also.   A thing to improve for if chosen, is simply knowing when to soften this tone and when to adapt it to the specific emotion she is trying to get across.  We did note in the audition that her confidence seems to be very low and we will not tolerate negative attiudes, especially towards herself. 

Audition Notes written by Andi-Mae

Lacey Ruttley- Initial Impressions
A genuinely loveable character to be around.  She was not initially visually what we were thinking when referring to Amelia.  After the audtion, very much to our surprise we are in the midst of discussing visual possibility.  Very siilar to Charlotte in visual style, with vibrant Orbany hair, she brings a very unique and original image to Amelia.  As an actor she has a clean, fresh, positive look that we feel we could adapt and contrast to Amelia's dark and very deep mind.  We found she has a very good initial udnerstanding of Amelia, without spoon feeding her any ideas.  Her perspective brings elements into Amelia's character that we had not debated before.  Again, with lots of dramatic experience she would fit in with no worries or awkwardness.  She is probably the most confident candidate which will is preferable for making our film stand out and the most memorable.  During the audition she showed lots of natural variety in her performance, through the use of gestures, facial and vocal expression.  We asked her upfront whether she would be willing to commit and she was excited to know that we wer already consdiering her.  She stated however, that she needed to weigh up her own school committment and work load before she could fully commit to us.  

Audition notes written by Andi-Mae

Auditions for the character Daniel Johnson

Fred Gill- Initial Impressions

A generally very enthusiastic individual and gave us a positive, optimistic attitude throughout the audition process.  Initially very suited to the character Daniel as he has a very clean, sharp, suave image.   Performed with thorough expression,  especially impressed with the line delivered 'Grace'.  He was very natural in knowing how to take on vital lines in the script.  He was very fluent, with clear dramatic experience.  His breathing was in sync with delivery of lines and full engagement with us as the audience (his potential co-star) is evident.  Overall we are impressed with his approach and are currently in discussion as to whether he should play our main male role of Daniel.                                                                                                                 

Audition notes written by Andi-Mae

Fahim Ahmed- Initial Impressions

A cheeky, quite timid character with an effortless charm about him as an actor, which is preferable for the character of Daniel.  Considering his lack of experience we are very impressed with his efforts.  He took on a very sensitive approach when reacting to Amelia and the situation that the script reflects.   He was fairly nervous leading up to the audition however we were shocked at his sudden confidence when in front of the camera.  We enjoyed working with him, as he brought a lively atmosphere to auditions and was very comfortable to work.  This will be a privilege at later dates if chosen.  We found however that there were a number of things to improve upon.  For instance we had to keep on re assuring him to relax, as he was fairly stiff and self contained at points.  His tone of voice throughout was naturally quite monotone, which held him back from letting go completely and getting across his emotion the best way he could.  Things we listed for him to work on are:
-Self expression
- Asking himself 'what is my objective when delivering this line?'

Audition notes written by Andi-Mae

Auditions were conducted by all three of the crew members.
Melina, Andi-Mae and Sahar.

Audition schedule for Madame Amelia

Risk Assessment Written by Andi-Mae, Melina & Sahar


By Melina, Sahar and Andi-Mae

By Melina

Character in the opening sequence

Main characters

Madame Amelia

Real name - Amy Jenkins
Origins - London
Age - 19/20


Eyes - Blue/ brown
Hair - Brown or Blonde
She ran away from home because she had abusive parent.
She starting using drugs she became a prostitute because she needed to make money but she also became a prostitute because wanted to seek pleasure.

VampireName - Daniel Johnson
Origins - England, London 
Age: Outside: 20-22yrs 

Eyes - Dark Brown
Hair - Dark Brown/Black

British solider who was fighting in WW1.
He was dying  and a vampire offered him life.
He accepted because he wanted to spend a lifetime with his lover Grace.
When he returned home they told him that grace's home got bombed and she died.

Other Character:


Name - Father Ben
Origins - London
Age - 35-50


Eyes - Brown
Hair - Brown


Ben grew up with very religious parents, His parents died when he was a teenager. He was taken in by the priest because he had no family. He took over the church when the original priest died.

Character profiles were discussed and finalised by Sahar, Melina and Andi

Synopsis for Madame Amelia 

Madame Amelia is about a girl who has had a troubled past and turns to
prostitution as a way out. Her life turns upside down when she is turned into
a vampire. Believing this is her second chance in life she seeks to do good but
ends up making a horrible mistake.

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